The PRIB will be held 21-23 August, 2014 with the following deadlines

  • Registration opens: 10th of March
  • Early registration deadline: 6th of May
  • Late registration deadline: 20th of August

We will accept suggestions for Tutorials or Special Sessions, with a deadline of 19th of January, 2014

Submissions to the conference can either take the form of

  1. Short talk/poster abstracts with a deadline extended to the 6th of July
  2. Papers, that will follow the following set of deadlines:
    • Paper submission deadline: Extended to 16th of March, 2014
    • Notification of acceptance of papers: 4th of April, 2014
    • Final papers are due: 6th of May, 2014

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2 thoughts on “Important Dates

  1. The conference will be held in the vicinity of Science for Life Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden the 21st to 23rd of August 2014.

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